I'm thrilled you've made your way here! I'm sure you've taken time to browse a bit, got a feel for my approach and how important your love is to me, and are ready for the next step! Who knows, maybe we're meant to create some real-life magic moments together! I'm already excited to hear from you and to chit-chat all about this enchanting love story of yours.

First things first fill out the form below and share all the deets, don't be shy, I love to know the sweet details that make up your meet cute. After you've hit send you'll here back from me within 24 to 48 hours. If I have the availability, you'll be getting a price guide and we'll plan a video chat or coffee meet up.

Share all the deets behind those butterflies

Are you ready for this?


I'm so shy & awkward in front of the camera but Kelsey put me at ease. She was honestly the SWEETEST person & I am so greatful for her. Weddings are stressful and I was so worried the pictures would look forced. She captured everything so perfectly and without feeling posed. Our wedding photos came out so beautifully. Thank you Kelsey ♡ you were such a joy to work with.

- Ashley & James

Couples Love Notes